Announcing Studio B
A nonprofit home for Peter's social engagement work.

A drawing recalling the day Peter's daughter died.

I Love to Draw
After a summer away from the studio, Peter steps back into his art practice, rediscovering his love of charcoal.

Soul Selling
An unexpectedly meaningful connection upon reluctantly selling a drawing.

“Secret Painting”
An anecdote on how the practice of painting helps one make sense of life.

Making art about mortality, and feeling better in doing so.

Healing Lines
Seemingly abstract, these lines express an underlying narrative that is therapeutic to share.

With Music
A drawing inspired by music comes to life when experienced as a video.

Moving On
For some, looking at their past work is like reading a diary: it shows where they’ve been.

I Value All These Voices
In an era of divisiveness, revisiting a project about respecting one another's values.

More than seven years after a museum trip, the art seen continues to resonate.

Grace Delivered
Behind the painting "Dad," a story of family crisis and grace.

Painting Again
Returning to painting after a long hiatus.